Measuring lights 06 by Chrissy Angliker / Linen 'T' Towel by spinspin / Fringe Alchemy Soap for Anthropologie (via oh joy!) / Organic honey packaging designed by Marcel Buerkle (via little brown pen)
Measuring lights 06 by Chrissy Angliker / Linen 'T' Towel by spinspin / Fringe Alchemy Soap for Anthropologie (via oh joy!) / Organic honey packaging designed by Marcel Buerkle (via little brown pen)
Geplaatst om 16:30 in Catch your fancy? | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
'There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love.'
Geplaatst om 20:06 in Book Quotes | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Re Jin is the founder of Bailey Doesn't Bark, a tableware, home accessories and stationery company, for which she does all the design work too. I find myself particularly drawn to the Teabag Series.
Geplaatst om 21:40 in Boeken alom | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 21:59 in Readers' Delight | Permanente link | Reacties (1) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 11:04 in Reading in Art | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 16:07 in Cover Candy | Permanente link | Reacties (2) | TrackBack (0)
In today's interview we'll learn more about the reading habits of Minerva, author of the recently and beautifully revamped blog Mama Without Borders. She'll be premiering two now series very soon: 'Creative Moms' and 'Kids' reading nooks', which I'm particularly excited about. So watch that space people! Minerva, a lifelong reader herself, writes warmly about sharing her book love with her children and documents their bookish adventures on the blog. I'd love to find out if the little ones take after their mom and are getting their reading material wet too!-)
Do you like to eat while reading? What's your snack of choice?
Yes, I do enjoy the occasional snack while reading, preferably something I can easily eat, like pastries or cookies. Sometimes, I will actually eat a whole meal if I'm trying to multi-task while reading but I find that eating can often be distracting and just try to hurry up and eat so I can focus on my book. I'm not as die-hard of a reader as I was when I was a child. Back then, I was known to read while doing almost anything, including walking to school and taking a shower (!!!).
Geplaatst om 0:29 in Bloggers Read & Tell | Permanente link | Reacties (3) | TrackBack (0)
I've decided to make some changes to my Catch your fancy? series and will from now on be adding all pictures to the blog post itself. This way you immediately get a good overview of my most recent finds. And of course you can still click through to the original sources. As a matter of fact, I strongly recommend you do so, treasure troves await you!
Let me know what you think?
Geplaatst om 17:35 in Catch your fancy? | Permanente link | Reacties (6) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 20:35 in Readers' Delight | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
I think I'm in trouble! A while back I found this Catalog Card Generator on Well, I've just created my very first vintage library card and all of a sudden I find myself coveting wooden file-card holders, a bit of wear and tear no objection, to give these beauties a worthy home.
Be warned people, this is one addictive little toy!
Geplaatst om 20:19 in Boeken alom | Permanente link | Reacties (3) | TrackBack (0)
It's pouring with rain here. And they're throwing in a thunderstorm for good measure too. But I can't say I mind one bit. Ian Sansom's The Case of the Missing Books is calling my name (picked it up yesterday at the Boekenfestijn), I'm going to plop myself down on the couch, homemade miniwaffles within arm's reach, and just stay in tonight.
How about you? Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Geplaatst om 22:01 in Boeken alom | Permanente link | Reacties (3) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 12:11 in Bloggers Read & Tell | Permanente link | Reacties (2) | TrackBack (0)
Susie Orbach
Picador, 2009
Geplaatst om 19:51 in Cover Candy | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 20:18 in Reading in Art | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 18:14 in Poëzie | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 14:45 in Readers' Delight | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 17:01 in Catch your fancy? | Permanente link | Reacties (1) | TrackBack (0)
'...I'm similarly haunted by a copy of The Spire by William Golding. My failure here is made even more irksome because when I picked the book up (three years ago) in the lovely Priestpopple Books in Hexham the man behind the till laughed at me and said: "Good luck with that." He clearly didn't know what kind of an intellectual giant he was dealing with, I thought, as I pocketed it. I intended to munch it within a week – and enjoy it. But since then, I've found that the splashes of turquoise on the cover have put me off. It's really not a colour I like...'
Sam Jordison in The Guardian, 8 december 2008
Geplaatst om 22:59 in Boeken alom | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 22:37 in Cover Candy | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
1. Moving Music. Beroemde filmcomponisten aan het woord - Diverse auteurs
2. The Book of Dreams - Federico Fellini
3. Dagboek van een duizendkunstenaar / 1942-1954 - Jean Cocteau
4. Art by Film Directors - Karl French
5. The Film Club: A Memoir - David Gilmour
6. The Wildlife of Star Wars - Terryl Whitlatch
7. De verlichte stad. Een geschiedenis van bioscopen, filmvertoningen en filmcultuur in Vlaanderen - Daniël Biltereyst & Philippe Meers
8. Film Noir - Alain Silver & James Ursini
9. Seen Behind the Scene - Mary Ellen Mark
10. Luis Buñuel - Bill Krohn
Geplaatst om 22:08 in Shopperlijstjes | Permanente link | Reacties (1) | TrackBack (0)
Dit artikel lag al een tijdje op mijn 'to read pile': een hart onder de riem voor elke afgewezen schrijver...
'"This time there's no point in trying to be kind," it said. "Your manuscript is utterly hopeless as a candidate for our list. I never thought the subject worth a damn to begin with and I don't think it's worth a damn now. Lay off, MacDuff."'
Geplaatst om 22:37 in Writers' Corner | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
1. Passie voor breien: inspirerende ontwerpen en creatieve oefeningen - Leigh Radford (vert. Marjan Faddegon)
2. Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
3. Breien voor een sfeervol interieur - Suss Cousins (vert. Ann Van Doorslaer)
4. The Knitter's Book of Yarn: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing, Using and Enjoying Yarn - Clara Parkes
5. Alle steken op een rij - Maria Parry-Jones (vert. Marjan Faddegon)
6. Not Your Mama's Knitting: The Cool and Creative Way to Pick Up Sticks - Heather Dixon
7. Lekker knusse sjaals breien - Candi Jensen
8. Knitting over the Edge: Unique Ribs, Cords, Appliques, Colors, Eclectic - Nicky Epstein
9. Pretty in Punk: 25 Punk, Rock, and Goth Knitting Projects - Alyce Benevides & Jaqueline Milles
10. Knitting Circles Around Socks: Knit Two at a Time on Circular Needles - Antje Gillingham
Geplaatst om 14:50 in Shopperlijstjes | Permanente link | Reacties (3) | TrackBack (0)
... de Franse auteur Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio.
Geplaatst om 17:19 in Bookville Gazette | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Het Andere Boek is al lang geen onbekende meer bij boekenliefhebbers, toch?
Dit weekend kun je weer lekker rondneuzen op deze boekenbeurs met stands van meer dan honderd uitgeverijen, antiquariaten en literaire organisaties. Er worden tientallen binnen- en buitenlandse auteurs verwacht, verder zijn er ook interviews, lezingen, debatten en signeersessies.
Geplaatst om 20:42 in Bookish Events | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 22:05 in Reading in Art | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Sinds zondag is de boekenbeurswebsite 2008 online, voor Plankje een teken dat de herfst er nu echt aan zit te komen. Aaah, laat ze maar komen, die luie zondagmiddagen op de bank met een dekentje, iets chocolatey en een dik boek!
Geplaatst om 22:07 in Bookville Gazette | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Anything that has even remotely to do with books, writing, reading, typography,... is bound to pique my interest. And let me tell you, there are loads of blogs and websites out there that know where to find the good stuff, so it gets piqued plenty!
Catch your fancy? is a new list feature on Plankje in which I will be sharing some of my finds with you. Give me a shout if you see anything you like?
Geplaatst om 1:22 in Catch your fancy? | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
With the launch of, Penguin will offer readers a place to meet and indulge in the age old art of writing love letters as the boom in online dating fast restores the importance of the written word to modern courtship.
To help them in their quest to find a fellow literary lover, Penguin readers will be asked to write about the last book they read in their profile and can use's 'matchwords' search feature to hunt through the site's thousands of registered profiles by their favourite book, be it Adele Parks or Kafka.
Penguin's Digital Marketing Director Anna Rafferty said: "Sometimes a book is a disposable adventure, an entertaining, temporary distraction that you don't think about again once you've read the last page. But sometimes a book means so much more; at Penguin we believe that the books we cherish and read over and over, those that we feel a deep emotional connection with, say something defining about us and the type of people we are. 'What are you reading / what did you last read / who's your favourite author?' are all standard first date questions and what better way to find your life partner than over a shared love for Lawrence or a passion for Pynchon? We knew there was an opportunity for this type of service for our audience, and the Penguin community provides the perfect forum to meet a likeminded special someone."
What do you think:
0 Why didn't they think of this sooner!
0 Just another online dating service!
Geplaatst om 22:46 in Bookville Gazette | Permanente link | Reacties (1) | TrackBack (0)
Geplaatst om 23:27 in Writing Quotes | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)
Op 23 september verschijnt in België de nieuwe roman van Dimitri Verhulst, Godverdomse dagen op een godverdomse bol. Het boek van Verhulst, auteur van de zeer succesvolle roman De helaasheid der dingen, belooft de sensatie van het literaire najaar te worden en zal gratis gesealed bij de Humo van die week te krijgen zijn. De oplage bedraagt ruim 300.000 exemplaren. Een wereldprimeur!
Geplaatst om 23:43 in Bookville Gazette | Permanente link | Reacties (0) | TrackBack (0)