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25 juni 2009



Thank you so much for your interest in my reading habits! ;-) I so enjoy your blog and wish I could read it all in English. I'm always so happy to find others who share my love of reading and words. It makes me feel like I'm visiting a good friend.

Plankje Ongeregeld

Thank YOU Minnie for taking the time to indulge me!
...And I've recently decided to write solely in English from now on. So drop by anytime;-)

Linda from Heartfire At Home

Great interview Minnie! Saw the link on your fabulous blog and was curious, so popped over. Loved the questions... made me think about what I do when I'm reading and how I approach the whole experience. I'd not heard of 'Now You See It', but from the brief mention above, it sounds interesting.... I think I'll search it out for some holiday reading. I always find books about relationship dynamics intriguing.

Linda. xx

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This week I 'ave been mostly reading...

  • 1 September 2009 / Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany by Bill Buford

... Previous mostly reading

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